The salary of the factory manager ( or the general manager or the chairman of the board of directors) of the private enterprise may be defined no more than 10 times of the average salary of the staff and workers of the enterprise. 私营企业厂长(经理或董事长)的工资,可以在本企业职工平均工资十倍以内确定。
On the board of directors, there shall be representatives of the staff and workers of the company. 但是,董事会成员中的职工代表由公司职工代表大会选举产生。
In recent years, I Board to "improving quality, fostering new practices" for the goal of strengthening the overall style of the cadres and workers of construction work. 近年来,我局以“强素质、树新风”为目标,加强了对全局干部职工的作风建设工作。
A Bangladeshi government wage board has recommended a new legal minimum wage for its millions of garment factory workers. 孟加拉国政府薪资委员会建议为全国数百万制衣厂工人实施新的最低工资标准。
The chairman of the board pressed on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ. 董事长硬将一项不落好的工作派给我,让我去解雇那些公司无力支付薪水的优秀员工。